Since beginning this trip, my body has decided that 8.00am is the right time to wake and be ready for a full day of exploring. In this hostel the doors decided that 8.00am was the perfect time to get up. All you could hear all over the building was the random slamming of doors, I felt sorry for the people in dorms.

Today was the day I decided in a way to take control, and use the very helpful map (all places of interest marked on a helpful key) to try and see most of the buildings. As everything was closed (it was Monday) we got to see most of the building/churches/statues and slowly I really began to fall for the beautiful city and it's historic buildings. This, I think, is what I should of felt in Prague but due to the influx of people over the years Prague feels a bit too touristy. Mel informed me that Bratislava is going the way of Prague, and I began to worry for this town. And while we ate dinner it was made clear that the drunks of England had already made a claim on the city by hearing the wonderfully clear cries of a London man, "IM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL".
All day Mel had talked of trying the local drink, "Kofola", their own type of Cola. Excited to try it we brought a bottle and both took a sip. OK, imagine Asda Smart Price Coke totally flat then triple the amount of sugar and the taste of cough medicine and you have the pretty bad flavour of Kofola. Mel straight away made it clear that one sip was enough, but me being stubborn, I forced the whole bottle down my trap, by the end it was not so bad, but I do not think my teeth will be so forgiving.
Other highlights of the day included, the waitress giving Mel a whole kitchen roll to herself and eating the last 2 panda versions of percy pigs!
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