Day 9 and 10 kind of blurred into one because of the fast pace of moving 3 countries in two days! Day 9's morning consisted of us exploring more of Pest taking in a Park which included a castle that was once built of cardboard, and the locals loved it so much they built it out of stone, and Hero's square a tribute to the leaders of the Hungarian tribes throughout the centuries. Both heading to the House of Terror, we went to see a sculture I had really wanted to see, a massive hourglass (egg timer), which apparently runs for the full year and is turned every year 180 degrees to count the time of the new year. When we got there the timer was hard to find (even though it is so big) becasue of the tents, put up for some sort of fair, which covered and made it near impossible to see the time wheel. It also seemed that the wheel had stopped working as it is now September and there seemed to be more sand in the top then there did in the bottom, plus I could not see any running through the middle.

So after this dissappointment we move on to "The House of Terror", not a corny horror museum, but a building that was used by the fascist Arrow Cross Party and the communist ÁVH Party. This very impressive exhibition houses great detail about the two parties and the pain and misery they brought upon Budapest and it's people. A very unsettling tone is created by the sometimes surreal displays and the soundtrack which is chilling, eriee and creates a feeling of uneasyness. Moved by a couple of the displays and trying to read the massive log of info sheets picked up in nearly every room, we rushed round all 3 floors in like an hour, when I think it should take more like 3 to do it justice . From there we moved onto the station and after the worse burger I have ever tasted we boarded a delayed train to Bratislava.
After a lovely evening in our new fav town we decided to check out the museums of Bratislava (last time we came it was a Monday so everything was closed). As we only had the morning we had time for the one museum and so we chose the Pharmacy Museum, which turned out to have some great examples of 19th century medicine containers but was only 2 bigish rooms with the same stuff in both rooms. Luckily the ticket also got us into the Arms Museum, which was in one of the gate towers, and the view it self was worth the visit. I just want to make clear that is was not a museum of arms, as in body parts, but as in weapons, and they had a pretty impressive collection from swords to guns to cannons and armour.
And from there we ended up in Austria, in the city of Vienna, in which we broke our code of not having pizza till Italy, by dinning at a pizzeria which served the biggest pizzas I had ever seen! To finish off the night we had a couple of drinks in the Hostel bar and I tried to teach Mel about the world of WWE which she seemed to follow and quite enjoy, outting Sheamus as her favourite.
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