After a pretty expensive day in Vienna we moved on to a city best known for 2 things. You would think that the most important thing it was well known for was that one of the greatest composers of all time, Mozart, was born there, but no you would be wrong! According to the postcards and posters it is more famous for an AMERICAN film made over 40 years ago, a little film that goes by the title "The Sound of Music". Yes I am talking about Salzburg. A town which we only saw in the rain but we did not let that stop us! After booking into a nice hostel, we ventured off on a tour, well a map with a walking tour drawn on it which we decided to do on our own. We took in the sights of some amazing churches, the view from the castle which was still impressive with the level of fog, a graveyard and tiny narrow shopping streets which included Mozart's birthplace. Deciding to risk the food at the hostel we returned to eat and do some washing. After a good sized plate of chips and chicken wings, we watched a couple of films, "Bend it Like Beckham" and "Mr & Mrs Smith", and managed to avoid an early night by chatting to a group of Americans. Going up to bed at 01.30 I realised that this is one of the things I loved about the travelling, meeting new people and getting lost in conversation. Lets hope the next few weeks delivers some new faces to meet, chat for a while and get lost again into the crowd never to see them again, maybe even some we will stay in contact with who knows.
You missed the perfect opportunity to see some raindrops on roses